Kasia's Project Hub

Welcome. Explore my work here.

Predict Your Salary

This full stack app aims to predict the user's salary within the data professional world using a machine learning model. Explore the page for additional analysis on what factors influcence salary in the field.

Website Github


Tools: Python, Javascript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Flask, D3, Tableau, Machine Learning, NLP, SQLAlchemy, Postgres SQL, Heroku

Find Your Destination

An interactive dashboard that allows the user to select a state within the US and explore what attraction each holds. The attractions are categorized by type and states popularity are ranked based on the most things to do there.

Website Github


Tools: Python, Javascript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgresSQL, Beautiful Soup, Chromedriver, ETL, API, D3, Leaflet, FrappeChart, Heroku

CitiBike Usage

This is an analysis of CitiBike trends for Jersey City, NJ stations 2019 usage using Tableau. Here I visualize the differences in usage between males and females and aim to explore why this dramatic difference exists.

Website Github

Tools: Python, Pandas, Tableau

Weather Analysis

This project uses API calls to generate weather data for multiple locations all over the world. The goal is to see how the weather changes as we approach the equator. Then, using the generated graphs I built a simple webpage displaying a weather analysis based on latitude.

Website Github


Tools: Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Pandas, Matplotlib, API, Requests, CityPy, GoogleMaps & Places

Health Risk Factors

I analyzed the relationship betweem factors such poverty, age, or household income in relation to to obesity, smoking, and lack of healthcare by making an interactive graph that let's the user explore different trends based on these factor combinations.

Website Github


Tools: Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, D3

Microbe Belly Buttons

An interactive dashboard to explore the Belly Button Biodiversity dataset, which catalogs the microbes that colonize human navels. The dataset reveals that a small handful of microbial species were present in more than 70% of people, while the rest were relatively rare.

Website Github


Tools: Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Plotly, D3