Interplay between demographics and our health across the US

This interactive graph analyzes trends that shapes people's based on their location in the US.
Click on each factor to observe correlations between the factors listed.

Health Risk Factor Exploration

Health Risk Factor Analysis

vs. Income

The percentage of people not covered by insurance appears to have a downward trend as income increases. This trend is to somewhat be expected as individuals earning higher salaries typically are covered by their employers insurance plan

vs. Age

This was a quite interesting trend to see. The most uninsured cluster between age 35 to about 40. It could be that the survey was mostly collected for that group as well.

vs. Poverty

This graph shows the poverty percentage of each state as well as percantage without healthcare. There is a slight trend showing that the states that have higher poverty also have a higher percentage of people uninsured. This is quite expected as the first analysis showed a downward trend with increasing income.

vs. Income

Smoking tends to decrease in states which have a higher mean income. States with the highest population that smokes cluster in the south and these states also neighbor each other. This could have a possible connection to the lifestyle trends there.

vs. Age

Middle age populations tend to cluster the most when it comes to smoking. We saw a similar trend in the healthcare vs. income too so it would be interesting to see the age of the surveyed people for these factors.

vs. Poverty

There is a very slight correlation between smoking and poverty but the overall levels tends to be steady across all states.

vs. Income

Obesity tends to decrease as income increases. This is quite expected as people with higher incomes usually have resources to healthier eating options. In areas without fresh produce, fast food chains dominate a lot of people's diets.

vs. Age

Obesity seems to cluster in the middle age category yet this trends seen for the third time makes me suspicious of the data collected from a certain population within that age group. It would be interesting to look at the age of the surveyed people.

vs. Poverty

This shows the opposite trend of the income graph which is expected. As poverty increases, there is a slight increase in % of population which is obese.